The herb that helps reveal your *pristine* desire
Have it under the Pisces Moon to be re-aligned with your true needs
In today’s dispatch:
Today’s Moon Goddess, her sound and power to re-align you with the desire behind your desire
A botanical from native East North America that, when brewed as a tea, helps you do the same! The shrub is traditionally prescribed in combination with Red Raspberry Leaf to prepare a woman’s uterus for birth. Any parallels between pregnancy and carrying out your true desire, anyone?
A guided meditation + journal practice in the theme of all the above.
Pristine. I glanced at the word and asked myself: Do I even know what that means? The reason why I found myself here is today's Moon. It is the 7th Notch of the Waxing Moon in watery Pisces. The matching Moon Goddess is ShivaDuti Devi. She is fierce! In her red dress, with a face as radiant as the Sun, she is known to fulfil all *pristine* desires happily. Material, spiritual and physical desires. This contemplation is in perfect alignment with tonight's Nakshatra (a life lesson that comes with each Moon).
Strangely, up until today, I used to miss the word pristine when working with the Shivaduti Moon Goddess. She doesn't just shine once a month to answer your wishes. Instead, she is there to burn all the fluff around your needs away. Are you saving up for this dress? Rather than handing it to you, she will ask you how you think you will feel when flaring around in this garment. Now that, right there, is what Shivaduti's mantra will help you establish. Pristine desires. Going beyond material needs and tapping into what these represent to you is believed to deal with feelings of frustration and anger, so you can go ahead and have drinks with Peace.
If you love a mantra practice, reply to this e-mail, and I will get the sounds to you (that is, if you've found this in your inbox. Found it through the URL? Subscribe to my e-mail list today for future extra guidance on demand. It's free!).
The plant that will help you obtain your *Pristine* desires.
Each plant has an entire personality. Some herbalists believe it takes you a lifetime to get to know one botanical fully well. We're so lucky that others spent lifetimes studying plants and documented their findings. One of my herbalism teachers (K.P. Khalsa) once wrote a book with Michael Tierra. It's how I learned about his Herbal Tarot Set, where each Tarot Card connects to a Planet and a matching herb at a symbolic level.
Squaw Vine Mitchella repens, or Partridgeberry, is a climbing evergreen shrub from Native East North-America. Its characteristics match the Tarot Card Nine Of Cups, which has lots in common with today's Moon and Moon Goddess. Dried leaves of the shrub are combined with red raspberry leaf and prescribed as a tea for pregnant women in their last six weeks of pregnancy to prepare the uterus for birth.
Your Ritual
The following ritual is perfect for today. But not to worry if you haven't got Squaw Vine at home. The Moon is here for you now so that the ritual will be potent enough without any botanicals. But! If you feel aligned with the message (dissolving the worldly desire to get to the root: the true quest behind your desire), I invite you to order some shrub and sit with the following ritual for a couple of nights whenever it arrives.
Step 1: Squaw Vine Tea
PS: You may skip this step if you're going forward with this ritual tonight or tomorrow morning.
Boil 3 cups of filtered or spring water. Then, in a tea egg or infuser, add 2tsp of Squaw Vine and 1tsp of Red Raspberry Leaf. Let it steep for about 45 minutes. Then, sip on it throughout the evening. Keep 1 cup apart, which you may have upon waking (next morning). You may add an ounce of hot water + a little maple syrup to taste before serving. Also, while you're preparing the tea, you may (silently) recite the Sanskrit Vowel "R." This should sound like a rolling, almost roaring, "RR." Remember tonight's Moon Goddess Shivaduti? “RR” is her sound.
Step 2: Visualised Meditation
Put on some comfortable clothes and find yourself in a seated position, with your knees lower than your hips. Close your eyes and place your hands over your lower abdomen. Breathe in and fill up your stomach with oxygen. Maybe your hands lift a little as your belly absorbs all the rejuvenating air. Repeat this six times, then witness your breath without counting or regulation. Next, imagine a shimmery, ruby red light that enters through your nostrils. Follow the light as you breathe in and out. After a while, the light settles in your womb space. With every inhalation, it shines a little brighter. Finally, you will witness it becomes the size of a lime, then an orange, then a melon. As it becomes more extensive, you notice a pattern in the light.
Below is the pattern you want to see. If you can't quite remember it while meditating, this is the time to open your eyes and gaze at the Yantra below. You may set your timer for 3 minutes.
You may sit in silence as long as you need to, or even lay down in savasana, covered under a blanket. Then, when you feel ready to come out of your meditation, I invite you to lift your hands to your heart and have them meet in prayer. Next, bring the prayer to your third eye and take a minute to give gratitude. To close off, get your hands back to your heart centre and chant "Ohm" or "RR." (see step 1 for more specifics).
Step 3: Journal
It'd be great if you could keep your journal or a piece of paper + a pen ready during your meditation. Once you've come out of it, I invite you to close your eyes and think of something that you've recently desired. Then, envision yourself having it. Use all of your five senses. How does it taste, smell, look, feel and sound? Write those five things down:
"I desire xyz because it makes me see/look... (your entry)."
"I desire xyz because it makes me feel/feel like... (your entry)."
"I desire xyz because it makes me sound/sound like... (your entry)."
"I desire xyz because it makes me smell/smell like... (your entry)."
"I desire xyz because it makes me taste... (your entry: think about which foods, nutritional plans, home cooking, supermarkets, restaurants this would give you access to)."
Now, what can you do today, this week, month, and season to realise these things that your senses are craving? Be creative. Every answer you are searching for is. always. already. there. And I hope that the meditation you did before your journal practise, combined with the Squaw Vine Tea, will help you tap into those answers!
Happy Pisces Moon!
Love Deborah Rose xx