Feeling heavy and emotional with KAPHA. #PMS
Menstrual Health with Ayurveda 101 (Archive Piece from It's Mother Earth)
When the Water element mixes with the Earth element, you're likely to have a good dinner. The binding energy for these elements is Kapha Dosha. She is responsible for taste, smell, loving relationships, savings or stocks and possessions. To the body she translates these qualities into a well functioning memory, deep sleep, strength, immunity, curves, bonding and attachment.
Kapha is one of the 3 Dosha's (Mind-Body Types), or in other words: the binding energy between 2 elements. In this case, Earth and Water.
Like increases like. So, if you're naturally or temporarily high in Kapha, you'll tend to accumulate qualities that suit her. Besides tasteful dinners and the scenario's above, that'd be activities like watching love stories or comedies at home, spending a weekend with the family by the beach, sun bathing or couch potato-ing and honouring your home. Words are only said when you mean them, money isn't spent unless it'll make more and you prefer a walk over working out. You're wealthy in empathy and make a good manager. health care provider or HR worker. Overwork is a no for you and so is breaking up any relationship - whether it comes to your habits, clothes, decoration or people. Overeating and oversleeping are a different story (guilty pleasures).
When these scenario's breathe your current lifestyle and you're not balancing them out with a mostly plant based, low starch and freshly cooked diet this is likely to be reflected by your Period.
A Kapha PMS, period.
You're frequently catching colds or the flu
Your chest, throat and nose feel mucousy
You're craving love or feel sentimental
Swelling of the breasts and/or ankles and feet
Nausea or lack of appetite
Feeling heavy and tired (peeks early morning and early evening)
Want to cry
A late period
Pale, thick flow, or mucous in menstrual blood
Blood Clots