In this dispatch
What Tonight’s Moon has in common with the Pagan forefathers of Christmas
How to relax your so-called “organs of action” (hands) with this 5-10 minute awareness practice + self-massage and why that benefits the Cervix
Just a thought:
I really wasn’t sure if we should get a tree this year. Somewhere between but-our-family-won’t-feel-like-Christmas and I-don’t-desire-to-battle-Nova-whilst-he-plays-ball-with-all-deco we decided to risk the latter today. As we were placing the globes spheres amongst admittedly cheesy other glam on our Pine, the thought came up that our society may not be as deprived of rituals as I believed. Not during December anyways. Although it’s true that only 2-3 festive days out of those 12 days that the holidays’ Pagan ancestors originally intended have survived... These are still the days that most of us block out on our schedule. Others might hate it to the extent that it triggers escapism. Either way, the impact stands.
The Moon That Invites You To Honour Your Ancestor’s Rituals
So we’re right in the middle of Solstice, and Christmas eve starts in just a couple of hours. It’s also a Waning Moon in Virgo with the Nakshatra (Moon Theme or “Life Lesson”) Magha. This Nakshatra honours our forefathers and the valuable rituals, law and order they have deplored. I would love to freewheel just a little here by replacing Fathers with Mothers, but the word Father has meaning. It’s there because this Nakshatra refers to the classical place of the father of a family, where they would have the power to force the family to live by specific rules “or else...”.
And that sense of “or else...” as well as a strong pull towards tradition is expected to be present under this Virgo Moon. The fact that she will rise with Christmas eve is likely to emphasise this even more.
Time To Relax Thy Cervix
Feeling uptight often means a tensed Cervix. Ayurveda connects the Cervix to your Wrist.
Anyways, let’s get to the self-care part. Since you’re right in the middle of a lot, I want to send some awareness to your hands. Your whole world rests in the palm of these hands. Ayurveda rightfully calls them your organs of action. So your hand’s Fascia - that deep layer of connective tissue - deserves to be relieved. We also target the wrists, connecting with your Cervix, Anus and Root Chakra.
The Practice: wrist rolls and fascia release
I invite you to close your eyes and stretch your arms out ahead of you, in line with your heart. Stretch all ten fingers and then form a fist. Repeat this five times. Close off with the hand closed. Next, you’re drawing little circles to the left. The movement comes from the wrists. After five circles, repeat with circles to the right. Now, it’s time for two more rounds - but slowly this time. Send your awareness into your wrists to notice any rockiness, aching, inclination to cramping or clicks.
Now that you found your sweet spot, it’s time to release your Fascia. Below are my favourite (super simple) massage tools to use.
Caution: skip the fascia release when you’re pregnant (yet advised from week 39), or TTC and in the Luteal Phase of your cycle.
Himalayan Salt Massage Ball
The density is perfect; the shape fits perfectly in my palms, and the salt “extracts” all tension from my hands. It literally transforms tender, stiff muscles into soft hands within 5-10 minutes. Roll the ball between the palms as though you were forming a ball of dough. Then use your opposite hand to target that “sweet spot”. P.S.: it’s normal to be sorer on one side. You may try to bring this awareness into your day by regularly changing sides.
Bronze Kansa Vakti Cup
Closely related to the Ayurvedic Kansa Wand, this cup is made from Kansa and Bronze. You can use it for both your feet and your hands. Your technique is similar to the one used for the Himalayan Salt Massage Ball.
Crystal Sphere - Jade
It works just like the Himalayan Salt Massage Ball, but where the Himalayan Salt Ball works at a physical level, the Crystal Sphere has more affinity with the subtle body. Jade is the best stone for Virgo - who currently influences our Moon. If you don’t have a big sphere, a tumble stone or massage wand will do too.

Thoughts I’d like to sign off with:
By sending love and awareness to your hands and wrists, you automatically work with a healthy portion of letting go and grounding (Root Chakra). It helps you centre and re-engage with the strength of the Earth below your feet. How does her strength make you feel? What inspires you to give back to the world around you?
Sending you lots of love and warmth for this Solstice — Deborah Rose xxx
P.S. just in case you wondered if and how Nova bonded with the Pine, the answer is balling: